Just How Smart Are Animals?
All our lives we have been told our similarities to other mammals, we have been told how intelligent animals are in their own ways. We have been told the Chimpanzees can use American Sign Language to communicate with their keepers. But have you ever heard of a horse who could count? In the 1800's there was a German horse named Hans who became a sensation when it was found that the horse could answer mathematical equations. Yes, that is correct. The horse could solve your typical mathematical equations. He could tell you the numerical date of the Friday coming up. His owner was a math teacher who trained Hans the same way he would teach his students to count and do simple arithmetic, but rather than answering verbally he trained Hans to use hoof to tap out the number on the ground. Hans helped researchers study and understand animal intelligence as well as their cognition levels. This case also helped show us that the animals can hol...